Our Team.
We're delighted to have such a passionate and skilled workforce to support us in our mission. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our staff to ask them questions about their relevant programmes.

Mark Reid
Mark is a Co-founding Trustee of the Fair Play Foundation and fulfils the role of the Foundation’s Chief Executive. Mark previously worked for Supporters Direct Scotland as Project Manager before which he worked at Celtic FC as a Senior Football Development Officer. In that role he oversaw Celtic’s UK wide grassroots football programmes and separately coached within the Celtic Academy. Mark has experience co-ordinating and delivering a range of community development and health related projects in addition to Football development programmes around the world in India, Australia, USA, Canada, Ireland, Kuwait.

Jennifer Webb
Project Coordinator
Active Seniors
Jen is the project coordinator on our Active Age programs. In her own words:
"I come from a corporate background however I discovered the benefits of activity at a later date in life. This drove me to go back to study Sports and Fitness with the open university.
An amazingly flexible way to study the learning materials where second to none, my passion for sports, fitness and fitness management left me striving to educate myself in this field as much as I possibly could. To contribute to my change of career I decided to complete my level two - four in personal training. The anatomy of the human body and the phycological changes activity can have on a person kept me locked into this mind-opening path of study.
I spent two years as a class instructor and personal trainer prior to the first lockdown. This line of work makes it hard to find balance in your life as you are always on the go. After a lot of hard work both within my career and personal life I managed to find a nice balance.
Now I have a handful of classes I instruct, I have a handful of online clients and I have the pleasure of working alongside the Fair Play team to implement positive changes to many different groups of people and their lives. I coordinate the Active Age program which you can find more about under the active age section of this website. Working with the over 65s at home and the elderly in the residential homes is the most rewarding role I have experienced to date in my Sports and fitness career. It has given me the opportunity to do exactly what I intended to do when I first applied my energy to changing my career, helping others. We are looking forward to expanding our Active Age programs and I am proud to be the person to offer these services to the residents of North and South Lanarkshire."

Iwona Dziura
Club Development Coordinator
The Colours of our Scarves
I started my physical education very early and with a lot of attention to detail. By the age of 9 I was successfully competing in athletics in my native Poland where I also later played basketball on a reasonably high level for 8 years.
After moving to the UK twelve years ago, I started completing courses and getting qualifications I needed to become a fitness professional – my dream job! Once I started my career in fitness, I quickly worked my way up to a gym manager position. It allowed me to see the whole sport industry and its different career opportunities in a bigger picture. Two years later I left the management position deciding that freelancing as a group exercise instructor was a way more rewarding job to do for me.
Ever since, I have been working with various groups of people, both for profit and non-profit. When volunteering for the Whiteinch Community Centre during lockdown I`ve helped many people with all sorts of health conditions and limitations to maintain healthy activity levels delivering free online classes.
Currently, I continue supporting the vulnerable through the Active Age project with Fair Play Foundation.

Paul Tannock
Activity Worker
Active Seniors
Colours of our Scarves
Paul is one of our Colours of our Scarves session delivers. He also lectures in Sports at Forth Valley College.

Martin Greene
Activity Worker
Active Seniors
Colours of our Scarves
My involvement in the Sport and Fitness industry has spanned for over 20 years now. I originally come from a sports coaching background where I coached in the US for a period along with numerous other organisations in the UK including Celtic FC. I developed a passion for the Fitness side of the industry back in 2003 and managed to enhance my skills by achieving several industry recognised qualifications such as a Level 3 in Personal Training and Strength & Conditioning Level 1 & 2. These qualifications and experience gained over many years have proved to be extremely beneficial in relation to my work as a Lecturer in the further education sector and to enhance my own personal skill set. Working with The Fair Play Foundation has presented me with the opportunity to share and further my knowledge and experience by working with a range of clients especially within the Active Age programme. I'm delighted to be part of a very motivated and organised team of professionals who specialise in making a difference to peoples lives through sport, fitness and physical activity.

Megan McGreggor
Activity Worker
Active Seniors
I've been teaching group exercise (yoga and Pilates) since 2010 and my passion is finding fun ways to be mobile, strong and flexible for people of all ages. Currently I am an MSC Physiotherapy student at Glasgow Caledonian University and I also teach yoga and Pilates full time. The Fair Play Foundation classes group care home sessions online are so much fun to teach! Finding music and exercises to get everyone moving when they would rather sit and have a wee snooze is always a challenge but seeing the big smiles on everyone's face at the end of class is absolutely brilliant. I have also really loved teaching the one to one buddy exercise sessions and creating programs to help keep clients moving and support them through surgery and illness.