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Walking Football

Promoting Football for Life
We are delighted to announce we have secured funding from the Glasgow Community Wellbeing and Mental Health Fund to deliver a brand new Walking Football programme at Glasgow Green Football Centre.
These sessions take place at 7pm on Mondays at Glasgow Green Football Centre. All are welcome to attend.
Bookings can be made through the Glasgow Club App or through Glasgow Green directly.
Building on both the work of the existing On The Ball teams and our Active Age/Seniors programme, On The Ball Walking Football programme ensures more individuals can access the benefits of the beautiful game for longer.
The health benefits of Walking Football are now well established. Studies in the UK and Denmark have revealed how Walking Football is helping many men win battles against depression, mental illness and anxiety, especially around retirement age. Indeed, research by Ashton University into older males exposed to lifelong football found they had high levels of ‘flow’ while playing football – a state of psychological reward and satisfaction.
With thanks to our funder