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Club Development
Workshops for your Club
We are delighted to offer sports clubs in Scotland the opportunity to receive the Colours of our Scarves workshops.
Our workshop leaders will come to your club at a time that is convenient and deliver an enjoyable and thought-provoking 2-hour workshop.
Our workshops are available to anyone who has responsibility for the provision or delivery of regular organised sporting activity.
The primary object of these workshops is to provide the participants with the following:
An up to date understanding of the prevalence of hate behaviours in Scottish society and specifically sport
More confidence to challenge hate behaviours if/when encountered
A better appreciation of the manifestations of hate behaviours
An understanding as to the potential consequences of hate behaviours in both sport and wider society​
How to create an inclusive club
For more information click on the flyer below or get in touch with our Club Development Coordinator on 0141 264 2860.

The Colours of our Scarves workshop is an extremely beneficial and informative workshop. It has been a great tool for developing our coaches' confidence spotting and challenging hate behaviours